Posts by Category


Writing a Language

6 minute read

In this tutorial I’m gonna show you how to write a very simple programming language called Ygor. The language itself is just a placeholder for what I really ...

Postgres command line

less than 1 minute read

I find the postgres command line tools slightly annoying to use, so I wrote pg.

Project Euler - Problem 1

3 minute read

In this post I’ll show how to solve the first problem on Project Euler using Marco, while at the same time introducing some new features of the language.

Marco Revamp

4 minute read

Ever since Marco’s fourth rewrite (when things finally started to get serious), it has been heavily inspired by Lisp. One of my initial goals was to have a m...

Tail Call Optimization in Marco

2 minute read

One of the main goals of the Marco language is that the interpreter code should be very easy to understand. It should be possible for almost any programmer w...

Trampolining in Marco

4 minute read

In this post I’ll show how to “better” solve the collatz challenge from the previous post by escaping the limitations of the Java stack.

Aqui é Assim

2 minute read

“O pessoal daqui não sabe de nada não.

Evaluation Rules of Marco

3 minute read

Marco’s evaluation rules are a simplified form of Racket’s. I’ll summarize them here.

Functions in Marco

1 minute read

In this post I’ll describe the basics of functions in Marco. They behave mostly like Racket functions, except without any syntactic sugar or variadic functio...

Binding Semantics in Marco

2 minute read

In this post I will describe the binding semantics of Marco, the language I am developing which you can find here.


1 minute read

In Ruby you can do this:

Misleading Bad Code

3 minute read

Bad code gives me anxiety. Sometimes I even get physically sick. Subtle bad code is even worse.

Single Responsibility Principle

1 minute read

A quick google search for single responsibility principle for me returns these top 5 results, all of which contain this saying in one way or another:

Migrating to GitLab Cloud

1 minute read

In my current project we have recently reached the 10 private repositories limit on GitHub. What now?

Testing SML

1 minute read

I’m currently taking a course on Programming Languages, by Dan Grossman, which you can find for free here.

Speed up SSH

less than 1 minute read

According to the ssh_config(5) man page, ssh can have the following options: ControlMaster, ControlPath and ControlPersist

Automating Vagrant 1.2.3 with Rake

1 minute read

For my current project, I need to run a script after creating a VM. Of course I could package the new VM with the modifications already done, but by running ...

The Supercomputer

1 minute read

What would you do if you had the most powerful super computer available to you at any time?

On Writing

1 minute read

How do people write their blogs? I Imagine people writing on airplanes, doctor waiting rooms, lunch time breaks, after coming home from work, before going to...

Console Habits

1 minute read

Some time ago, Duck wrote a very small shell script to check our console habits. Here is my current version, after some modifications. It uses history from z...

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